Thursday, March 1, 2012

Faith Building

Sometimes God allows certain impossible situations to enter our lives so that we can exercise our faith. Faith is an amazing thing. Much like the muscle that inhabits our human bodies, our faith needs to be fed and stretched continually in order to strengthen and grow. This exercising of faith is usually pretty uncomfortable to our flesh. 

Every man is given a measure of faith. What is easy for you to believe God for may be excruciatingly hard for another. That's why every ones struggles are different ,our walk in Christ is an individual one. God can and will make a way out of even the most painful trials and will hold your hand through the darkest night. 

Trusting in him when you are facing your own personal Mount Everest is an exercise in faith. It is also a choice, day by day and sometimes hour by hour. Rest assured there will come a time when you look back at that mountain and say "wow i made it over!" "God was faithful and he made a way when there WAS NO WAY!" You will also find yourself walking away from it with an increased amount of faith to see you through future mountains and valleys. 

God also gives us these victories as part of our personal testimony to help and encourage others who cross our path. How could I effectively encourage and minister to someone who is going through a specific hardship if I hadn't been through the same thing? The words of life we are allowed to breathe into our brother or sister in Christ is both an honor and blessing to the receiver and giver. As we watch others come out of the fiery furnace un cinged by the flames we find that our faith has once again reached a new level. 

God has proven himself to me over and over again. He has given me many victories and helped me to overcome impossible odds time and time again. Not every victory came in the way I would have liked or when I would have preffered.... but it came. With each struggle.... with every victory I have come to know my savior in a new and wonderful way. I am humbled by the glory of all that He is ..... O how we loves us!

Shortly I will begin blogging about some of the things God has brought me through and things he is guiding me through now!

*** Angela Jennifer ***