Saturday, January 15, 2011

An Answer Revealed

The following was written about a year and a half ago. I am often reminded of what God revealed to me the day I wrote this. He was very specific as he directed me to write down all that he showed me. I am now  seeing Gods plans come forth. As I follow his lead he is opening all the doors for me. Doors that I could never open on my own......

For a long time I have asked the question...What is it that I’m destined for Lord? This is something that has been weighing heavily on my heart especially of late. I have said to myself and others countless times...." I don't know what my place is in this world" Well ....God, being the ultimate lover of my soul spoke much t o my heart a few nights ago. How faithful He is to answer those who diligently seek him! I’ve found that the more broken you are before him the easier it is to hear his words. He asked me some questions and directed me to write them down.... In what area do my natural gifts and talents lye? What do I find most fulfilling and enjoyable? Hmmm…As soon as I wrote these down he said “Now answer them and write it down” So I wrote… Creativity…. Creation….Expression... Artistic Expression. I sat staring at the paper as I felt my heart begin to fill with his words….”Now be more specific, and write it down” A smile came across my face as I jotted down those things which I am most passionate about… Writing, Music, Film, and Photography. He explained something to me next which I will always remember and hold close to my heart. “Child, this is the path you are destined to pursue. The reason you enjoy these so much is because I have placed that desire within you for them. I will use you in this area because it is my will” Why am I so fulfilled when I am writing or journaling? Because of that which he has placed within me. Every child of God will be most satisfied when doing the will of their Father. He continued to reveal that it is not wrong or sinful to be in a job that you are not happy with or find no fulfillment in. BUT it is not his BEST for you! It is within his permissible will… but not his PERFECT will. God wants all of his children to be enlightened in this area. There are gifts each of us posses and we put them to the side or sometimes even forget about them. Going through the motions of life, and dreading to go to work another day. Doing the same old thing is not bringing glory to his name. God wants each and every one of us to enjoy our lives and be satisfied and content in what we contribute to society. Through this God has revealed his heart towards me once again. He loves me and he cares about what is going on in my life. He doesn’t want me to stay in the same place I have been. What he wants is for me to move forward and step into my destiny. Only there will I find the treasure of contentment that is waiting for me...... Amazing! 

*** Angela Jennifer ***

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